Friday, August 24, 2007

Mike Huckabee for president!

After a good deal of reading and research I have decided to support Mike Huckabee for president. I’ve looked at both his stated values and his actual accomplishments as governor of Arkansas and I think he’s the real deal. He not only espouses conservative principles but he applies them in a common sense fashion that is quite refreshing. Moreover, he appears to judge each idea on its merit instead of relying on across the board judgments.

One of my favorite examples, when Huckabee took over as Governor of Arkansas the state had horrible roads. So Huckabee increase the gas tax slightly an actually fixed the roads. Now even though I’m generally for low taxes, I also think there are a number of important services that government does provide and to provide them they do need money. In my opinion providing a sound infrastructure is one of the chief duties of government. And it’s quite refreshing for a governor to actually come in and fix what’s wrong. Yes we all want low taxes, but I am more than willing to pay a bit extra if need be so that my car doesn’t get swallowed by a pot hole, or worse the bridge I’m driving on collapse. I very much admire Huckabee because he is smart enough to realize that we can’t apply generalities like all taxes and government is bad. Instead he seems willing to evaluate each proposal on a case by case basis and actually made things better for his state. I believe he would apply that same leadership to this country and actually make things better. For while, I’m very much in favor of smaller government, I’m also very much in favor of bridges and levies etc not collapsing.

Next as an economist and an accountant myself I’m very happy to see that Huckabee supports the fair tax act. The fair tax act would save the country billions that are wasted on an impenetrable tax code. As it stands the tax system is so complicated NOT 1 PERSON ALIVE understands the whole thing. That’s just not right. The fair tax act would reward hard work and savings, and would compliance costs that now burden the nation. I can only think of one other thing more important to do than implement the fair tax act, energy independence.

Governor Huckabee recognizes the grave threat to national security, economic security and the environment that our current dependence on fossil fuels and foreign oil represent. Although I would still like to get more details on his exact plan, I’m convinced that Huckabee will lead us in the right direction here. I also plan on posting my own ideas for how best to achieve that here, and forwarding that to Huckabee if he’s interested.

In addition, Huckabee has a strong record on education where he has improved the test results for students in Arkansas. It’s crucial to have an educated and informed nation both to have a functional democracy and to succeed in today’s competitive world. I like the governor realizes that the 3 R’s are the foundation of education but that music and art etc are needed to fill things out. I also like the fact that he has implemented policies so that they can actually fire bad teachers etc. I only hope the governor will take the final step and institute a voucher system to ensure school choice for all children.

I’m also very impressed by Huckabee’s healthcare plans. He realizes that the key to healthcare is prevention. We waste so much money in this country on care when what we really need to do is just eat right and go to the gym. I believe that after conquering his own problems Huckabee is in a unique position to lead us through our healthcare crises.

Last although certainly not least, Huckabee has a strong moral character. His values and positions don’t change depending on what position he’s running for. He stands up for traditional values, and actually lives them. Just as important Huckabee seems to be able to reach out across the isle and work with people to accomplish things. A true leader brings people together to accomplish objectives and time and again Huckabee is able to accomplish that without sacrificing his principles.

For all these reasons and more I believe Governor Mike Huckabee is the right person to be the next president of the United States. He’s a true leader that is competent to lead our nation through these trying times. I urge people to check out his website here and to find out more about him themselves. Then join me in supporting Mike Huckabee for president!